Matthew Currier
Unio Mystica
Yahweh’s ordained unity with men
2Cor 5:17
Gal 2:20
John 14:16-17
Not an icon within us but God Not a part of God but God …infinity divided can still be infinity
We cannot necessarily apply theosis scriptures to other spheres of life
1Cor 12:7
Romans 12:4-5
1Cor 10:17
the mystery Romans 16:25-26 Eph 1:9-10 Eph 3:6 Gal 3:28-29
Eph 2:19-22 John 17:20-23 Eph 4:3-5 …one
the flock …one another John 13:34-35
NUM 13:38-39 Ezekiel 16 Matt 23:1-7
1Sam 18:6-10 Matt 6:1-4,18-20