Times of the Gentiles 1. Babylonian Empire 2. Medo-Persian Empire 3. Hellenistic Empire a. United Stage (Alexander) b. Four-Division Stage 4. Fourth Empire | Imperialism a. United Stage (Romana) b. Two Division Stage (Holy R.E., Byzantium) c. One World Government d. Ten Division Stage e. Antichrist Stage 5. Messianic Kingdom Luke 21:24 Jerusalem trodden down ...until times fulfilled ? until Gentiles can't trod down the city? ...or until they _don't_ Rev 11:1-2 ~ 3.5yrs of treading temporary Jewish control of Jerusalem 164-163 BC; Maccabean revolt 66-70 AD; 1st revolt against Rome 132-135 AD; Bar Kochba revolt (against Rome) 1967+ AD; Six Day War Dan 2:31-35