
Matthew Currier


[Gen 14] Malchi ~ King, also a Canaanite deity name Tsedek ~ Canaanite god …also pre-canaanite kings of the realm, hypostases of Shamosh’ [Heb 7:2] ~ King of Righteousness …but the Hebrew is more flexible than that …is it a personal name or title? theophoric ~ name containing a deity name (like Jeremiah)

peric compogenus ~ vestige of a case system (may imply that Tsedek is not a suffix)
...but normative interpretation doesn't agree with this

at the time of Joshua, Jerusalem was a Canaanite city
    MlkTsdk ~= King of Jerusalem?

Salem, Shalem; Canaanite deities intertwined in this: 

[Ps 45:7-8] He will judge the world with tsedek He judges the peoples with meshor

[Ps 110] why is the Davidic messianic lineage connected with Malchitsedek

[Num 24:16-18] ~ knowledge of the Most High...then an end-times prophecy

the original kingship goes back to Malchitsedek, thus Jesus' lineage (biological & spiritual) goes back thus

The priesthood of Malchitsedek was the original ordained one, Aaron’s priesthood was, at best: a concession, at worst: a punishment

Malchitsedek was the prototype for the human/priest/king figure: an emblem, paragon, and icon.


[LEV 25:13]

The army of Melchizedek, “the nations of the holy ones of God” [Ps 82:1]

1QM "The War Scroll"

[LUKE 4] quotes [IS 61]


The ancient Jews came to believe that Melchizedek was a divine being.

MLCHZDK was the chief representative of Yahweh…which naturally concatenates with the Prince language.

The angel of the LORD is not portrayed the same way as the assistants of Yahweh - the chief princes

Based on a unification with the angel who appeared to Joshua (same language) Michael is not Melchizedek; nor is Melchizedek one of the same kind.

Hebrews 7 does not require a divine Melchizedek.

[Ps 110] ~ God arbitrarily decides to make David a priest

Melchizedek gets conformed to Jesus, not the other way around.