Matthew Currier
[Ex 20:4] Heaven Earth Water (under)
[Php 2:8] Heaven Earth Underearth
[Ps 148] waters above heavens (after the flood)
[Prov 8] circle on the face of the deep firm skies
[Job 37] mutzakh - cast metal; also, flint rock…skies
[Job 22:13] [Amos 9:6] [Ps 29:10]
[Gen 1:9] [Prov 8] [Job 26:10] what’s the boundary between light & darkness? horizon
[1Sam 2:8] [Job 38:4]
[Job 26:5] [Is 14:9] [Ps 89:48]
[Gen 37:35] [Is 38:10-11]