## Church Leadership Audit What fruit of the Spirit do you exhibit most? least? Which behaviors do you model that you wish you didn't? What scripture passage did your latest quiet time cover? how many hours has that been? Who do you see as inferior to yourself? Who are your favorite members in the congregation? How does Acts 9 apply to your congregation? What makes you most angry? how often is this? Who are you currently discipling? explain the format. What is the significance of Matthew 16:18 in your ministry? What is your most effective manipulation tactic? how many times per day do you employ this? Who has access to all of your email? your call/text history? your locked boxes? your financial accounts? What is the strongest disagreement you currently have with any of the congregation? How many of your friends ever disagree with you? how often? do you ever relent? Do people frequently misunderstand you? Give an example of how you have enacted Matthew 25:40. And, such an example for Matthew 25:45.