
Matthew Currier

Bedisturbed = the continual, disruptive influence of the Holy Spirit ~ who never ceases His work in us.

“O, Love that will not let me go…” George Matheson

The phrase, “God answers prayer” belies a fundamental misunderstanding about the nature of prayer. What is astounding is that such a fundamental error does not negate one’s belief - but it does hamper the walk.

Prayer is a community, literally being in proximity to God. What is interesting is that He is always close to us [1Cor 3] but we are not always “close” to Him. How do we resolve this dichotomy? The answer is in the notion of sacred space. The past-tense of salvation was the propogation of the sacred space into the believer. The present-tense of salvation is the sacramental cleansing of the sacred space - santification. The future-tense of salvation is the nexus of our old and new lives.

The sacrifices of the old testament were propitiatory but not eternal - in fact they were quite limited in timespan. There was a continual need to be preparing the sacred space for sacrifice, not to mention the logistics of attaining, transporting, and performing the sacrifice. The sacrifice is not the thing given but the process by which we stand before God and move with Him in a prescribed manner.