+ = He got angry - = He didn't get angry but I would've Joseph "considered these things" (the pregnancy) + Mary made Him create wine + During the temptation + Woe to you Corazen, Bethsaida, Capernaum? + Woe to you whitewashed tombs - Judas' betrayal - the healed leper disobeyed, barring Jesus from entering cities + "is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath" B.B. Warfield ~ "What John tells us, in point of fact, is that Jesus approached the grave of Lazarus, in a state, not of uncontrollable grief, but of irrepressible anger. He did respond to the spectacle of human sorrow abandoning itself to its unrestrained expression, with quiet, sympathetic tears: “Jesus wept” (verse 36). But the emotion which tore his breast and clamored for utterance was just rage." "instances in which he put forth his almighty power to rescue men from the evils which burdened them, our Lord was moved by an ebullition of indignant anger at the destructive powers exhibited in disease or even in the convulsions of nature" an opposition to God angers Him "indignant anger towards those who defile God’s house" "he who loves men must needs hate with a burning hatred all that does wrong to human beings" "paradox ... true mercy is no less the product of anger than of pity" "it was therefore precisely the anger of Christ which proved that the unbounded compassion he manifested to sinners “was really mercy and not mere tolerance.”" "Jesus burned with anger against the wrongs he met"