= the ascription of worth
…uniting doctrine & devotion
[Gen 47:31] [Heb 11:21]
- Jacob, dying, blessed his sons ‘bowing in worship over the head of his staff’
προσκενεω - sounds like prostrate
Matt 2:2 προσκυνησαι
Matt 2:8 προσκυνησω
Matt 2:11 προσεκυνησαν, προσηνεγκαν
2Chr 25:1
- reading
- singing
- preaching
Mk 16
- proclaim to all creation
- karusso
Ps 150
- ללה - clear tone, boasting
- …implied use of words (see Chronicles passage below)
προσκενεω - sounds like prostrate
Matt 2:2 προσκυνησαι
Matt 2:8 προσκυνησω
Matt 2:11 προσεκυνησαν, προσηνεγκαν
How do we worship in the mundane?
- do it in the strength He gives you
- service
- Admit that i can’t do it
- Pray
- Trust
- Act
- Thank
1Cor 12
Rom 12
- worshipping via the spiritual gifts
- the teacher worships via teaching
- the giver worships via putting their envelope in the passing plate
- the prophet worships via preaching
- etc…
1Chr 25:1
- he prophesied with his lyre?
- if prophesy is preaching (a.k.a. words) then how can we prophesy without words?!
- …it must be more
- OR maybe it is implied that he sang and played at once
- אבנ - who should prophesy, bubbling over, the act of prophesying
- א’בנ - prophet
- …so, the sense is the prophet doing what he should do - proclaiming!
- …there must be Word involved, somehow