Matthew Currier
Sin is a roman archery term meaning “to miss the mark” …this doesn’t mean that we hit an outer ring rather than the bullseye - it means we fell short of the target entirely.
Sin is a state of being - not an individual wrong act.
Three aspects of sin
Jesus was “made sin” for us [John 3:14]
Even loyal believers do wrong - and do so willingly. But doing a wrong thing is not rightly described as “sinning” because this is too graying.
Sin is a state of being - which a loyal believer is not. A transgression is an act of rebellion - which every loyal believer is certainly capable of.
Our abhorrent behavior is like a roadmap showing us our deep needs. Deliberate consideration of behaviors and the circumstances when they came about are like a roadmap to transformation.
False parenting subservience to others than Abba
Confidant for an adult