
Matthew Currier


[Amos 5:18]

Typical Topics



Promises made to Israel: Unconditional: [Gen 12:1-3] [Gen 15:5,18] Conditional on behavior: [Gen 17:1-2,8-10] [Gen 22:15-18] [Deut 11:18-24]

The Borders [Gen 15:18] [Ex23:31]

Who is “all Israel”?


[Acts 2] sees Jews from all the known world coming, believing, and going home. [Is 66] [Lev 26] ~ Yahweh’s dwelling; the interpretation of this passage drives the interpretation of NT Israel dealings.

[Gal 3] doesn’t specifically connect the land to Israel


Kingdom of God

The Day of the LORD

[Joel 2:1]

Return of Christ

One or two? Splitter or Joiner?

Rapture or Resurrection? [1Th 4] [1Cor 15:51,54] [Rev 20:7-10] [1Cor 15:22-26] [Matt 16:27] [Matt 25:31] [2Th 1:1,7-10]


[2Th 2] ~ generic timeline [1Th 5]


equate 70th week of Daniel w/ tribulation …except pre-wrath which say trib < 3.5wks

imminent …except mid-trib - which constrains the time

Is Church present in [Rev 4-18] [Matt 24]?

[1Th 1:9-10] ~ ‘ek’ ~= from || out of …what if this refers to the final judgment

“church” does not occur in Revelation 4-18 …but saints does occur in [Rev 13:7,10] [Rev 16:6] [Rev 17:6] [Rev 18:24]


Recapitulation Judgment view says seals, trumpets, & bowls describe the same events

[Matt 24] Either:

Strong Positions

The Kingdom of God is here [Col 1:13]

The Church does inherit the Abrahamic covenant [Gal 3:25-29]

The Church is the household of David [Acts 15:16-17]

The Church is the temple of God [1Cor 3:16] [1Cor 6:19] …on of these references is singular, the other plural

There are discernable signs prior to the 2nd coming


What is the extent of the Kingdom of God?

Does national Israel play a part in unfulfilled Biblical prophecy [Rom 11:25-32]

Will there be a visible kingdom when messiah returns?

Gleaning dates from scripture is futile


No partial rapture

Gog/Magog is not Russia [Ez 38-39] [Rev 20]

Ethnic/cultural background of antichrist doesn’t matter