- “We have 110% of the text, not 90%” D.Wallace via G.Koukl
-; Greg Koukl: re: “Misquoting Jesus”
- it is possible to eliminate the spurious renderings
- textual criticism’s goal is to recover the autographa as they left the Apostle’s hand(s)
- “The Number of Textual Variants: An Evangelical Miscalculation”
- 40 of 20,000 lines are in doubt & none affect significant doctrine
- Chester Beatty Papyri - most of the NT, mid 3rd century
- Bodmer Papyri II - most of John, late 2nd century
- John Rylands Papyri - fragment of John 18:31-33, early 2nd century (40yrs after writing ~ Egypt)
- …and counting
- about 50 complete “ancient” NTs
- over 3000 manuscripts
- and 6000 fragments
- multi-level patterns
- accuracy
- precision
- Zedekiah ~ seemingly conflicting prophecies all come true
- Jeremiah 34:3
- Ezekiel 12:13
- 2 Kings 25:7
- Also Jonah’s prophecy about the northern kingdom and Amos’ reversal prophecy
- Sojourn in Egypt
- Gen 15:3, Acts 7:6 ~ 400yrs bondage
- Ex 12:40-41 ~ 430yrs habitation
- 483yrs
- Dan 9:25
- 457BC to 27AD (Jesus’ baptism)
- 70yrs
- Jer 25:11
- Dan 9:1 - 70 years
- 606BC to 536BC the Jews exiled then returned
- 586BC to 516BC the temple destroyed then rebuilt
- Dec 11, 1917
- Dan 12:12 ~ 1335 on muslim calendar = 1917 julian
- Turks lost Jerusalem to Brits
- May 14, 1948
- Grant Jeffrey
- Ez 4:4-6 ~ 390 + 40 = 430yrs
- 70yrs Babylonian captivity
- 360yrs remain
- Lev 26 (7x punishment for unrepentance)
= 2520yrs
- 360 day years (Gen 7:11,8:3-4)
- -1yr for year 0
June 7, 1967
Jubilee? from 1917 Lev 25:10
Dan 8:13-14, 2300yrs from 334BC
…Alexander defeated Persians
- Ps 73
- Is 55:10-11
there is a proper way to test God
Jdg 6:36-40
Mal 3:9-11
Matt 14:28-29
there is a proper place for God